Monday, October 8, 2012

3 country research

There are three countries that I am interested in and they are Cameroon, India, and South Korea. The reason this countries interest me is because I have friends from each one of them and I always enjoy hearing about the culture, history, and topography my friends came from. Cameroon is located on the central western coast of Africa and has a land mass about the size the of California. Cameroon was occupied by the French for a number of years and has had an influence of the culture of the country. Something that surprised me during research was that it is estimated that 70% of the Cameroon population identifies with the Christianity as their religion, considering that the population is roughly 20 million. Cameroon has struggled with war and corrupt government over the years but despite these things they have strong economy compared to their neighbors in the region and they have a presence internationally through things like exportation and competing in the Olympics. 

Cameroon.  12 Oct. 2012.  8 Oct. 2012 <>.

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