Monday, September 24, 2012

How my group organized the presentation

We took the topic of writing in a business or technical sense. we split up the two, Clayton took the business aspect and Gabin and I took the technical side of it. we did it this way because Clayton is going for a business degree and is more familiar on the manner where as Gabin and I are going for mechanical engineering so we have a sense for the technical aspect. Gabin’s interest was in material analysis so he research what that would consist of. He reviewed some analysis papers and some other documents on the topic, he also looked up what components a general technical paper should have. The technical paper I researched was one that would deal with procedural steps and compilation of data. I took the same approach as Gabin, I found multiple documents  that these components in it to see how the compared and then I cross referenced those with a outline for what a technical paper should consist of. During this process we each came across unhelpful websites and documents, some were even misleading. I notice that in a google search of “technical paper”a lot of things come up that really should not so I made much more specific searches and used other websites to search as well. Once we had all the information we wanted we tried to put it together in such a way that it flow person to person by having Clayton open with the business aspect then Gabin and I would go into the technical writing. We really wanted the rest of the class to see the application of these styles of writing as well as the format, but we thought the application would grab the attention of the room because it shows the why of the writing rather then the how, the how is important but if you don’t think you need it you wont care how to do. 

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